Jerry Yarnell Artist Bio

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Jerry Yarnell Artist Bio. Jerry yarnell school of fine art. A wonderful high school teacher, opal thorpe, introduced jerry to the art world.

Touch of Color The official and original website of the
Touch of Color The official and original website of the from

A great oklahoma artist, jerry yarnell has sadly passed away causing. Please help us debunk the information that many of you are seeing online! His early art hung everywhere, from relative's homes to his high school hallways.

Mini bio (1) jerry yarnell was born in tulsa.

A great oklahoma artist, jerry yarnell has sadly passed away causing. Feb 15, 2021 in an old horse barn converted into a studio and classroom, many of jerry yarnell's paintings hang on the wall. His early art hung everywhere, from relative’s homes to his high school hallways. A wonderful high school teacher, opal thorpe, introduced jerry to the art world.